Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fire Will Be Released......

"The fire will be released,
Against an imprisoned soul,
Wicked depths of despair,
Conquest of Equality,
To produce a mark,
The endurable forbearance,
Fear in the enemies sword,
Seeking the Liberty of truth,
Having not contentment,
Never reveling the fire within."

Life goes on....

Amongst the flames of truth. E-


  1. Wow! Really loved this poem, very powerful message. I have been touched by your poetry and your photos. I look forward to many more in 2010!

  2. The fire within needs to be quenched with the water of life, the holy spirit of truth. Put all your trust in God and do not rely on your own understanding. This comment sent with love and understanding.
    (1 corinthians 13,v1-13)
