Sunday, December 20, 2009


Symbolism can be found in many places, now in parks and casinos.

Life goes on....

symbolism is found in many places.....rise and shine to a new sun each day, but never let the sun go down before you say good-bye. E-


  1. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
    I also would like to wish you all luck with your new book. Maybe I should buy it and train my english:-)
    My christmas-wish is a better 2010 than this year.It´s really been a challenge, and I have learned a lot. The biggest diffence is to not take life for granted. I was very, very sick, but now I´m on my way back. One step a a time.
    Life goes on.

    And I hope I haven´t done too much wrong spelling.
    From me to you; All is well.

  2. Thanks for your nice comment. I hope your health will be better next year. Have a wonderful Christmas and a great New Years!
    Keep in touch, my friend.

  3. Youre blog is wonderful. I enjoy reading it. Happy holidays!

  4. Happy Holidays! I look forward to getting to know you after the new year.

  5. Casinos, yes! I live in a casino city and symbolism is all over the strip here.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Stop by for a chocolate chip waffle anytime!

  6. Elizabeth, I just want you to know that from having come to know you through your blog that I think you are a wonderful woman and I wish you and your family a blessed christmas and a truly fruitful new year. God bless you.

  7. thank you for stopping on my blog. I wish you a wonderful christmas and happy new year. best regards from indonesia
